Wednesday, January 20, 2010

God is so Faithful!:)

Its been quite awhile since my last post, I have been having trouble uploading pics but we have been pluggin away with our lessons even despite my morning sickness with baby number 4!;)...Which also leads me to the reason of this post!..When God called me to homeschool, He let me know that if I was faithful to teach my children first about Him and who they were created to be in Him that He would always be faithful to make sure my children were learning everything else, and I have to say He is faithful!:)..After I found out I was pregnant with number 4 though, I began to get somewhat overwhelmed at the thought of starting a 2 new grades this fall with a 2 month old baby and a 2yr old!..I knew that I just wouldn't have the energy for it and I didn't want it to be stressful for our family trying to juggle all this at once..So I began to pray that God would provide me with a way for this work, since He was the one who gave us this new blessing and also called us to homeschool, it was His job to figure it out;) hehe...And as I began to research online curriculum's thinking that would be a good alternative for the girls since they would be able to work independently and I wouldn't be required to do as much "teaching" and as I prayed over this I just didn't have the peace I thought I would..I just couldn't bare the thought of not using My Fathers World, we LOVE this curriculum and how God uses it to strongly impact our children and us for His kingdom. And so I kept praying that God would show me what to do and how this would work for our family.

And the answer came while on the My Fathers World message board..I was reading a post by a mom who was just now starting her curriculum with her children..and I thought in Jan? how would that work? and I kept reading..Well I found that it works for them because with this curriculum it takes 8 and half months to complete and when they start in Jan they are finished by mid August and then they take a break from then till they start back up in I started weighing this option..And it really made sense! If I waited till Jan of next year to start the new curriculum then the baby would be 6 months old not 2months..big difference there!;) lol and I liked the idea of having a break during the busiest months of the year! (With three kiddos bdays in Oct, Nov and Dec and then including Thanksgiving and Christmas) it is a busy end of the year for us and it always felt as though we were stopping and going, try that for a motivator lol.. I also liked the idea of having that time set aside to do any projects we didn't get to during the year,take field trips, etc..My kids are always learning and even though it would be a "break" from regular curriculum learning they wouldn't really be getting a break haha;) Of course they would be getting the best lesson of all in baby care!;)

I can't tell you how relieved I was when I felt the peace of God come over this decision, I knew it was Him saying..I told you I would always be faithful, just trust me and follow me:)..A weight has been lifted and now I can relax in knowing that we will finish up our curriculum in June of this year and have the rest of the year to welcome a new blessing into our family where many precious learning moments as a family await us!! ahhh how AWESOME God is and how much homeschooling is truly a blessing to our family!!:)

1 comment:

  1. You gave me a sense of peace reading this - not only are you having homeschool work for you, you are raising your other three to understand how important family is. That you can take a break and 'smell the baby' (lol) - you are teaching them a valuable lesson right there! A baby is a blessing for the whole family - not just mommy and daddy. Taking that time to truly get to know that little one - well, that's more important than any school, IMO.
    Mary (masha from TM)
